Category: workplace injury lawyers

First Steps After Being Injured at Work in Texas

This Blog was brought to you by the J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP – Accident Injury Attorneys principal office in San Antonio

First Steps After Being Injured at Work in Texas

If injured at work, the first step you should always take is to get the medical attention you need to help recover from the accident. Medical attention after an injury is critical and can be crucial in helping establish an injury claim for damages. Many of our clients worry about not being able to afford medical attention. They may be uninsured or concerned about taking time off from work to get treatment. Over our many years of helping workplace injury victims, we have established relationships with a large network of medical professionals who will take your personal financial situation into consideration. They will often treat you for no out-of-pocket costs since your medical expenses will likely be compensated later by your employer or its insurance company. More about Workplace Accident Injury Lawyers in San Antonio here

We can also explain how much of your lost wages and other damages may be reimbursable by your employer or its insurer. Also, it’s very important you don’t allow yourself to be pressured into a settlement from your employer, their insurer, or any liable third party in your case. Don’t agree to, sign, or accept any payment offers until you have consulted with an experienced work injury attorney. Those offers are not intended to benefit you, but to benefit and protect the ones offering them. Initially, in the distress and confusion following your injury, they may initially look good, but once accepted, these offers become legally binding. In our society, settlements are encouraged because they save costly court time and resources. Once a settlement is reached, however, the law is rarely concerned with the fairness of the agreement. You waive your rights to sue for any further future compensation you may be entitled to if you accept a settlement offer. You certainly don’t want to accept an offer without having it evaluated by an experienced work injury attorney. Accepting an unfair settlement is almost always a disaster for you, your finances, and your legal rights. More Information here
It’s also important to realize your employer and its insurance company may use anything you say or do against you. So never write out a statement detailing how the accident occurred without talking with a lawyer. You may be distraught after an injury, in pain, and wondering what your future holds in light of your injury. You aren’t in a position to think clearly, talk about settlement offers, or make statements about the accident. The only statements or requests you should make are to get medical help and to talk with your lawyer, who will help you recover from your injury and seek justice.

By now, hopefully, you are seeing the importance of acting quickly to secure an attorney and your rights. Evidence starts to fade or go missing almost immediately after an incident occurs in work accident cases. The weather may erase details from the scene, cleanup personnel may unknowingly dispose of key evidence, damaged equipment involved may be removed, or witnesses may leave the scene and not give any contact information. Crucial evidence to help with your burden of proof in your injury case and the resulting damages can be quickly lost or even deliberately tampered with in order to avoid allegations of liability.

The sooner you enlist one of our nonsubscriber work injury attorneys, the sooner we can get to the scene of your work accident and gather the evidence you’ll need for a strong claim. A strong body of evidence also helps convince defendants and their counsel that a favorable settlement would be better than a trial. If you wait too long to hire an attorney, you may be doing irreparable damage to your chances of securing the compensation you deserve. Don’t jeopardize your chances of a successful settlement.

If You’ve Been Injured On-The-Job, our Work Injury Attorneys Can Help

For over 20 years, our Law Firm has been fighting for work injury victims’ rights. The attorneys at our Law Office have spent years acquiring practical knowledge in non-subscriber injury law and work injury law, with all of its complexities. Let us put all that experience to work for you. We can answer your questions and help you understand your rights and obligations, whether about the strengths and potential pitfalls of your case, how to proceed with your claim, or how much compensation justice warrants in your situation.

Our goal is to help you recover everything you are entitled to after your injury so that you can move forward with your life in the best possible position. The sooner you contact a workers’ compensation attorney at our Law Office, the better your chances of receiving full compensation from all liable parties. So call today, toll-free.

Recently we handled a case involving a worker injured on a job where he had initially signed on as a contractor. Eight different attorneys told him he did not have a case because the company responsible used contract workers. Yet our firm was able to successfully establish an employer-employee relationship, and ultimately, for this injured worker, we obtained a seven-figure settlement.

Our Law Office has been helping injured workers for over twenty years receive the compensation they deserve. We have a solid track record of successfully representing personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits involving non-subscribing companies. With many high-profile work injury cases, we’ve successfully investigated and resolved the cases, and have faced every major insurance carrier and work injury defense firm in the United States. They each know how successful our attorneys have been and frequently offer our clients significant settlements, simply because they don’t want to face our lawyers in court.

We can often secure compensation for you without having to take your case to court, which helps you get back on your feet quicker. If necessary though, we are willing and capable of aggressively defending your rights in court. Our in-depth knowledge and experience of personal injury law, success in uncovering and preserving critical case elements, and our history of success, give us a solid foundation to tackle the intricacies and complexities of your unique case. Let us help bring to justice those responsible for your injuries. Call us today, toll-free for a free consultation so we can help you pursue the compensation you need and deserve for your work injury. We want to see you get back on your feet and move forward with your life into a bright future.

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